The Local Movement Compromised

It has been proven to me, we live in a world where White can mean Black and 2+2 can equal 5. Think Global act Local… Sounds positive. Is it?

Who is ICLEI? International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives What do they do? They are an NGO that specializes in regional “sustainable development” helping local governments and town councils implement Agenda 21. If you don’t know what The Agenda for the 21st Century is, I would advise you to look into it. It is an all-encompassing UN Action Plan (1992). Under chapter 27 section 6+8 they purpose to give power to NGOs in ALL levels of policy making in order to implement this plan of “sustainable development”. The other part of this big plan is in the UN Global Biodiversity Assessment Report.

I am not getting into all that this action plan does, it is basically a Global plan implemented on a Local level by “Non Government” fronts, who implement UN Policies that take control of our representative government and put it into the hands of regional, non-elected boards. Full article Here

Real Solutions to Fix Our Toxic Mistakes

We have low-cost simple technology that can change the precarious situation here on planet Earth. Living (eco) machines, compost tea and oyster mushrooms can REVERSE the trends of toxicity. Here is a very interesting presentation by John Todd at UVM…though, I am not so sure about backing a global currency with carbon. Its a long video, but it is a glimpse of the top research on bio-remidiation out there.

Looking Back on the Battle with S-510

From The Natural Solutions Foundation – Rima Report

While we ultimately may not have stopped this in the Congress, the law that was adopted is a different creature than we would have faced had we not opposed it every step of the way. Recall, the first version of the bill that passed the House in July ‘09 had severe penalties and no significant exemption for local production and distribution. The version that passed the Senate at the end of November 2010 not only had no such severe penalties, but did have a rather weak exemption for some local production and distribution.

It also did not have, as it might have, without our Push Back, two draconian bills that had been introduced in the Senate to prepare the way to add their terms to the final “food safety” bill; these were Sen. McCain’s discredited S.3002 which would have brought Dietary Supplements under even greater Federal control and the “criminalization of speech about food claims” bill, S.3767, introduced by the majority party “leadership” late in the session. The criminal penalty bill, while remaining a future risk, went nowhere, after over a hundred thousand messages of opposition. Opposition to McCain’s attempt to legislate Codex compliance was so great that he withdrew his own support from his own bill a month and a day after introducing it in February 2010. And the final bill adopted today has a stronger local food exemption, with an inflation escalation clause, so the exemption may become meaningful, depending on how the final regulations are written…..

full report

Thank you all,

Maj Gen Bert Stubblebine (US Army ret), President
Rima E. Laibow MD, Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola JD, Counsel
Natural Solutions Foundation Trustees


Confessions of (VT) State Stimulus Czar

The Wall Street Journal


In March 2009, Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas asked me to become the state’s chief recovery officer, or stimulus czar. Vermont was about to get $1 billion or so in 300 separate and unrelated programs stapled together in the federal stimulus package, aka the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. The governor needed someone with start-up experience to manage the money and programs. Before selling my last company and retiring, I’d been a high-tech entrepreneur.

Part of my job was to coordinate stimulus money awarded directly to state government, both to assure that we complied with federal regulations and that we used this one-time money in ways that made sense. Complying with the regulations was the easy part. Using the money well was another story. Although I’d like to think Vermont did better than many states, much of the money ended up continuing bloated programs rather than providing a transition to a sustainable future.

full article here

Are you a United States Citizen or a Citizen of the United States of America?

By the Law of the Flag, this design denoted civil jurisdiction under the Constitution and common law

Disclaimer:  *This is not legal advice*


The Disappearance of Our Republic

Republic is a form of government in which the People or some portion thereof retain supreme control over the government.  A Republic is governed by the Rule of Law.

When we look at our legal system, why is it these unalienable, fundamental Rights of Equality, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, seem to be so powerless? This is a complicated question with a complicated answer.  I will try to keep this explanation as simple as possible, with references to more in-depth explanations.

Let us start with Title 28 of the United States Code.  This is the body of laws where the power grab happened, but in a very subtle manner.  That Title of the U.S. Code was revised, codified and enacted all at once on June, 25, 1948.  It is the Act that lays out the Federal Judiciary and Federal judicial procedures still being used today.

Definitions are very important.  Definitions are understood by the context in which words are used or otherwise specified.  Now for some very important definitions:

United States” is the term that is used consistently throughout Title 28 to refer to the Federal government domiciled in D.C.  There is only ONE PLACE in all of Title 28 where the term “United States of America” is used, and there it is used in correct contra-distinction to “United States”.  See 28 U.S.C. 1746.

Thus, “United States” is a singular noun that refers to the Federal government.

United States of America” are a plural noun that refers to the 50 States.

These two different names are also defined in the Articles of Confederation(1777).  The Articles of Confederation were the first constitution of the United States;  they specified how the Federal government was to operate, including adoption of an official name for the Union of several States first established by those Articles, namely the United States of America.

In those Articles of Confederation, we find:

Article 1.  The United States of America are the Confederacy or “Union” established by the Sovereign States that existed at that time.

Article 2.  The United States was expressly delegated powers and authorities by the United States of America, while the sovereignty, freedom, and independence of those States was expressly maintained.

Despite widespread mythology that continues to circulate the Internet, there are no Acts of Congress expressly incorporating either the “United States” or the “United States of America”.

In 1871 Congress did expressly incorporate the District of Columbia, but D.C. and the “United States” are not one and the same.  More importantly, Congress expressly extended the entire U.S. Constitution into D.C. in that Act of 1871!  And, 2 years later in 1873, Congress extended the entire U.S. Constitution into all Federal Territories, even future Federal Territories!

How were our fundamental Rights abrogated?

Read in full at Human Rights page here

– VT4Evolution

Special thanks to Paul Andrew MitchellB.A., M.S., Private Attorney General, Criminal Investigator for his web pages:


Bernie’s Fed Audit Results

Cutting Out the BS of Crisis-Era Bailout Activities

By Eric Fry


Two weeks ago, for the first time ever, the Federal Reserve dragged its crisis-era bailout activities out into the light of day (thank you Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Ron Paul!). The resulting revelations exposed a number of shocking truths, like the truth that the big Wall Street banks did not merely receive one $10 billion loan each from the TARP facility; they also received tens of billions of undisclosed loans from other lending facilities. On top of that, many of the big banks raised hundreds of billions dollars by secretly selling mortgage-backed securities directly to the Fed.

These massive undisclosed bailouts contributed greatly to the relatively robust earnings results many big banks produced during 2009 and early 2010 – results that would have been impossible without the hidden assistance. Accordingly, stock market participants came to believe the fiction that the big banks were “healthy,” rather than the truth that they were massively subsidized. As opinions changed, so did share prices, corporate bond prices, credit default swap prices, etc.

Some investors made money from the resulting asset-repricing, some lost money. Neither side reaped the reward it deserved, but only the result that the Fed’s manipulations produced. In an honest and transparent marketplace, the list of winning and losing investors would have been very different than the actual list that emerged from the crisis.

In a truly free market, the financial markets, themselves, pick the investors who win or lose, not the Chairman of the Federal Reserve or the Secretary of the Treasury.

Read more: Cutting Out the BS of Crisis-Era Bailout Activities

Eric Fry

Eric J. Fry, Agora Financial’s Editorial Director, has been a specialist in international equities for nearly two decades. He was a professional portfolio manager for more than 10 years, specializing in international investment strategies and short-selling

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-Progressive Democrats of America

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US House of The Lame Ostrage Session

Our food will be signed to be Modernized as early as today by the President. The Lame House Session lived up to their title yesterday, the day, marking the return of light, The Winter Solstice. Over 70 of the House members didn’t show  up to vote! Lame they are indeed, because this is some of the most important legislation of the year, HR 3082. HR 3082 Appropriations Act has buried in it, S-510, the food modernization Act. Bundling bills that aren’t truly relevant to each other, should not be an acceptable means to define our laws. What is the percentage of US people that know about this Act and understand the implications of it? My guess is less than 1%. If we were evolving a “transparent” system of governance why would I be able to compare our legislative process, to that of trying to follow the little red ball under a magicians sliding cups? The bill passed 215 to 144, with the missing members of the house it could have gone the other way, isn’t this their job?  Here is a brief summary to understand that it was a legislative magic trick (link):

“The federal food bureaucracy needs to get smarter and better coordinated, not more omnipotent,” said Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.).The proposal survived filibuster threats in the Senate, constitutional confusion and tensions between big agricultural companies and the burgeoning local food movement.The setbacks repeatedly sent the bill back to both chambers, where new challenges arose. In the end, the House voted on it three times and the Senate twice.  WA. Post

This is what our news should be covering. I haven’t heard one word about this bill in our corporate media. Don’t we deserve to know what shenanigans are being pulled in OUR House of Representatives? How can they even represent us, when we don’t know what is happening?

It will be Ok, why? Because the Cosmic Reality does not do business this way, and as we evolve to understand our True nature, which is LOVE, this type of hypocrisy will be extinct. It is a deep rabbit hole to find the origins and beginnings of this situation we are in, don’t feel it is important to find it in our history, instead look within yourself and the answers are there. This is self-resolution, this is the Global resolution. Our inner-conflicts are the true origin. As un-rational as it may sound, you will find it to be the Truth. Our ego’s don’t want to take responsibility, and rationalizes it away, “It’s them, I had nothing to do with this.” Breathe deep, Live your Life with Love and Forgive!

– VT4Evolution

Energy Descent Not Human Descent

To all those who are publishing that Over Population is an issues concerning “Global Climate Change”. You are gravely mistaken in  what you preach or believe in. With your charts and numbers,  pointing your finger to the East. I know, a reasonable human being  would research the facts and use their own reasoning to determine this for them-selves… as the implications, if incorrect, are serious.

– Vt4Evolution

Dissecting ‘overpopulation’ numbers

by Ian Angus

Population growth rates do not correspond to CO2 emissions. In fact, there’s a negative correlation. Broadly speaking, the countries with the highest per capita emissions are those whose population is growing most slowly or even declining, while the countries with the lowest emissions have the highest growth rates.

In fact, in most G20 countries the birth rate is at or below replacement level. If it weren’t for immigration, their total population would be falling. According to some estimates, by the end of this century the population of Italy (excluding immigration) will fall by 86%, Spain will decline 85%, Germany 83% and Greece 74%. [8]

Only three G20 countries (Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and India) have fertility rates that are clearly above replacement level, and even they are growing far more slowly than the 19 lowest emitting countries.

If we were to adopt the usual populationist correlation=causation stance, we’d have to conclude that high emissions cause low population growth, or that high population growth causes low emissions. Of course that’s absurd: both emissions levels and population growth are shaped by other social and economic causes.

The real conclusion is, that there’s something seriously wrong with the more people equals more emissions argument, and something even more wrong with the idea that Third World birth control will slow global warming.

Do your own research….PLEASE!

Plumb: Wind towers are “out of scale”

by George Plumb of Washington.

Utility-scale wind is not a suitable alternative electricity generation option for Vermont for a variety of reasons but one extremely important one that hasn’t been discussed. The wind towers are out of scale with what we value in Vermont. While we may enjoy visiting the big cities we are always delighted to return because we cherish our local and small scale working landscape, our relatively small communities with their modest population, and the scenic natural environment where we spend so much time.

Industrial wind towers are huge. They are 400’ tall! They are not of human scale. The tallest buildings in Vermont in our most densely populated cities are only 125’ tall. Many who have had even a small number of wind towers go up in their area are very unhappy with the results.

Instead of massive wind towers that are out of scale let’s develop incentives for locally owned and installed solar options. I have put in an AllSun Tracker system and couldn’t be happier with the fact that although it is relatively large as solar panels go it is still of a scale that doesn’t dominate the landscape.

Comment by Barb – I had to spend a lot of time researching and thinking about the proposed windtowers in the NEK and those underway there before I came up with the same conclusion…People don’t have a real sense of the size and ancillary environmental disruption of these towers and what it takes to build them. However, private alternatives are far too expensive for the average Vermonter to install without massive incentives, towns are begging for tax relief and wind companies promise bribes, er, payments, and Vermont Yankee is massively unpopular.

Comment by Steve – Can anyone tell me why Vermont would–in its right mind–blast away significant portions of the Green Mountains in order to hustle up a few electrons? On the other hand, small, local and community-based wind facilities are a possibility. Combined with other sources in measured quantities–along with an aggressive efficiency effort

full article – VT Digger

UPDATE S-510 Modernizing our Food

It is interesting to watch The US government in action. Considering the history of this food safety act now HR 3082 formally Bill S-510 and formally still HR 2749… I guess the elected officials are fans of DR. Suess, “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”

This website gives a good over view of the movement…far and wide of this Bill. It will be signed by Obama before Christ’s Mass 2010, they say. The sweeping measures of this bill can not be under estimated. WHY? To understand just look at who is appointed to enforce the Act  “rule of law”. YES! The DOD. Ok now I feel safe. Plant a potato and give it to your neighbor and you could be violating this act. Collect the seeds from a Non-GMO vegetable you might be accused of endangering public health. Ok I admit this sounds very far fetched and we have Organizations making sure that our rights aren’t abused and that these acts won’t infringe on our small farms, Right? They even got the Tester/Hagan small farm exemption attached to the final bill, isn’t that good?…. As I informed you before, (link) bills are open to interpretation, this bill is to be interpreted by the FDA. I would not say they have a good track record in looking out for the safety of the public. Money rules and who has the money makes the rules. This means Monsanto and other Mega corporations. Control of seed? The independent farmers have been fighting to control Monsanto’s invasive GMO seeds from taking over their own for over a decade. Many times the farmers where forced to dump their own seed because of contamination, this is a huge loss with additional fines for ‘possessing’ monsanto’s patented GMO. If you don’t know about this issue, watch “The Future of Food”  and “Food Inc.” get informed and stock up on organic and heirloom seeds. This is yet another U.S. War, this time its over your food. Write your Reps. and let them know you disapprove. Peace and power to the people to control their sustenance! – VT4Evolution

Simple Action Link


The American Empire Could Collapse At Any Time

Vt Commons Blog

By Chris Hedges

Pulitzer-winning journalist Chris Hedges was one of roughly 135 activists who participated in an act of civil disobedience that resulted in their arrests outside the White House yesterday, even as Obama was unveiling a new report on progress of the war in Afghanistan.

“We’re losing [the war in Afghanistan] in the same way the Red Army lost it,” he said. “It’s exactly the same configuration where we sort of control the urban centers where 20 percent of the population lives. The rest of the country where 80 percent of the Afghans live is either in the hands of the Taliban or disputed.” One day after this interview was conducted, reports hit the global media noting the CIA’s warning to President Obama, that the Pakistan-supported Taliban could still regain control of the country. Hedges predicted that President Obama’s war report released Thursday would “contradict not only [US] intelligence reports but everything else that is coming out of Afghanistan.” His prediction came startlingly true: the CIA’s own assessment was said to stand in striking contrast with President Obama’s report. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, however, insisted that the US controlled more territory in Afghanistan than it did a year ago. “Foreigners will not walk the streets of Kabul because of kidnapping, and journalists regularly meet Taliban officials in Kabul because the whole apparatus is so porous and corrupt,” he said.

full article –

Write your Reps. Let your voice be heard.

I sent this message to My Senators and Representatives:

Greetings Senators and Representatives,

I am writing you in regards to Vermont Yankee being decommissioned on time in 2012. As you are well aware, this is a very large issue for Vermonters. In watching the news recently with Gov. Shumlin’s visit to power plant, I sensed he is starting to back pedal on his stance. Entergy could sell the plant, and the new owners could offer us a low-cost energy contract. With the state of the economy, it would be an easy out for The Governor to say, we don’t have any other choice. These are big powers we are dealing with, there is no doubt. They won’t go just because we the Vermont public say, we believe nuclear power is obsolete. Though this is fact, the majority of Vermonters believe it is not clean, nor green, nor in our best interest and want it to close. Vermont is known for being a innovator and trendsetter in many fields, lets continue, we have amazing minds and energy experts. Sustainable solutions are every where now, it is more a matter of cutting the red tape to let us use them. One example right in our area, Lincoln. When the town tried to get permission for a micro-hydro plant, we couldn’t. This is where your work comes in. I hope you will represent the people and let the Governor know we want solutions that will last and wont poison generations to come. Thank you for your time and service to the people.
First Reply :

I don’t believe that Mr Shumlin will back pedal on VY.  He’s being less strident about it, as becomes a governor, I guess. Re renewables:  your issue is one we’re still dealing with.  It seems that coming up with good ideas is a lot easier than getting a permit.  In many ways, it makes sense that not all projects are suitable due to their effect on other natural resources.  You’re right however, in the idea that the state could do much better in customer service and promotion of new sources of energy. I hope that our new secretary of natural resources and a new administration will make a big difference.


Senator Claire Ayer

Find your Representatives –

and their e-mails –

VY Alternatives and info –

Gov.-elect Shumlin visits Vermont Yankee

Vermont Gov.-elect Peter Shumlin– flanked by a huge entourage of his staff and Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant personnel– took a private tour of the plant Friday. The purpose– to discuss radioactive tritium that was discovered leaking into the ground at the plant and to talk about what’s being done to get rid of it.

“We are just here to have a tour of the plant and to talk about my hope that we can turn the pumps back on that have been pumping the tritium and other nuclear substances out of the ground and shipping them out of state,” Shumlin said. “The more that we pump the better off for the health and safety of Vermonters.”

“I have made clear that the plant was designed to run until 2012 and in my judgment that is when it should be retired,” he said. “But really I am focusing now on the challenges we have with the tritium and other nuclear isotopes that are in the ground.”

Yankee officials, on the other hand, say they plan to keep operating the power plant for another 20 years.

“We are moving forward with our plans at the federal level to get a new license from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and to seek approval from the Vermont Legislature and a certificate of public good from the Public Service Board,” Smith said.

But Yankee faces an uphill battle to get a license extension. The Legislature is still democratically controlled, so the votes are not likely there. But supporters hope a new owner at the plant and a new, low-price power agreement might stop lawmakers from pulling the plug.

full article & Video  –