VT Frack Gas-pipeline Public Hearing

VNRC Newsletter

In May 2012, Vermont became the first state in the nation to ban fracking for natural gas because of the dangers it poses to drinking water, clean air and livable communities across North America.

Despite this, Vermont Gas wants to expand Vermonters’ reliance on fracked gas. Its plan to build a pipeline to Middlebury is in front of state regulators right now and those regulators are holding a public hearing next Tuesday, September 10 at the Middlebury Union Middle School in Middlebury.

Please attend this important public hearing and voice your concerns.

Among other things, this pipeline would:

•    Increase our reliance on gas just when we need to be moving toward clean renewable energy.

•    Cut straight through wetlands and certified organic farmland.

•    Run counter to our energy goals. Vermont has a goal of getting 90% of our energy from renewable sources by 2050. Allowing this pipeline to be built would lock us into a non-renewable fuel source for decades to come.

Learn more about the hearing and a rally beforehand organized by our friends at VPIRG, Toxics Action Center, Rising Tide Vermont, 350VT as well as local citizens.

We hope you can make it.

Thanks for all you do!

The VNRC Team