The little known benefits of this critical health supplement

This is not medical advice – consult your doctor for that.

J. Crow’s Lugol’s Iodine 5%:

You can purchase – Folk Medicine by Dr. Jarvis:…

You can read/borrow online (with a free account) – Folk Medicine by Dr. Jarvis: –

Lugol’s iodine undoubtedly has a variety of health benefits, but there are conflicting opinions as to how to actually use it for health maintenance and disease prevention. Dr. Jarvis’ recommendations: If you are over 150 pounds, 25mg per week total. If you are under 150 pounds, 12.5 mg per week total. Take in a glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (honey can be added if desired) If you are going through a period of stress, take that weight-dependent dosage once per day until it passes.

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