FDA and Codex in the US of A

Big Pharma, Codex and the FDA don’t want healthy citizens that have a strong immune system because then their multi-billion dollar industry of chemicals would be obsolete.  They are taking the steps to make Dietary Supplements unaffordable to produce and obtainable only with a prescription. The idea has been in place a long time and they move very slowly to not attract any attention. If you like boosting your diet with super-foods, immune enhancers or like using alternative natural medicines you might want to check the following link. This is also a call for everyone to get there hands in the soil and produce their own herbs and develope a relationship with the plant Queendom.


and sign this petition – https://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=833

More info and action links –http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=5421

Also See our post – Treating Cancer at Home?

On Track to Lose Our Public Lands

by Bill Willers / May 27th, 2011 – Dissident Voice

The political right and its economists now recommend selling federal assets to pay down the nation’s debt…

What assets? Forget for the moment things like buildings and highways, and consider the most cherished assets – our public lands in the form of national forests, BLM lands, national parks and wildlife refuges. A third of the nation, ours in common, is a gift beyond price to pass to our descendants. It is a public treasure we may lose, for it is firmly in the crosshairs of moneyed interests intent on “privatizing”. Who is capable of buying such public assets? Think of corporate “persons” in petroleum, insurance, industrial recreation, pharmaceuticals, defense, agribusiness, banking and the like. And don’t forget their 37,000 K Street lobbyists who lavish unlimited cash on lawmakers, or of the billionaire faction of “Haves and Have Mores” George W. Bush called his “base”.

On May 18, when asked what he thinks about the idea of selling Utah land to help pay down the federal deficit, Utah Governor Gary Herbert responded, “It’s an idea that’s not new. It’s been talked about for the last generation. If we want to reduce the deficit and balance the budget at the federal level, why don’t we sell some of the federal assets, and of course we have a lot of federal land that they can liquidate and help balance the budget. I think it’s certainly worth exploring.”…

We the people, now “owners”, would be transformed into “customers” paying market demand. And now a multi-trillion dollar debt is providing the needed argument for selling our national treasure…

It is understood that the privatization of public domain has to be done by degrees to avoid unwanted reaction. Beckwith made this clear with his reference to “the contracting out of support services to private firms operating for profit” to be accomplished in “tentative steps”. Such contracting is increasingly common in the form of “public-private partnerships” and “competitive outsourcing”. And as those standing to benefit from privatization use their considerable political and economic might to achieve their goals, it is passing “under the radar” of the larger public mind.

full article – http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/05/on-track-to-lose-our-public-lands/

Here is a related article on the “corporatization of land” – Hedge fund managers pour assets into farmland


A Smart World Agenda

We have Smart phones, Smart notebooks, Smart cars, and now; Smart Growth, Smart Grid and Smart Metering are next to become mainstream.

Why are we getting so…. Smarted these days? Well, its the “wave of the future” you better jump on board before you become obsolete and… Stupid?

My last post was on the “Complete Streets” Bill which Gov. Schumlin just signed (also known as Smart Mobility). I still want to know more about the initiative, especially from first hand experience of its implementation in other states.

In this post I am looking at the “Smart Grid”. Vermont energy leaders talk smart grid 

Sanders said in a speech at the conference, “(…) for those of us who want to move forward aggressively on sustainable energy, we need to be able to move and manage whole new sources of electric supply.” He said he was excited about Sandia’s partnership with Vermont and that he sees a significant clean energy future in the partnership forming there…. link

Who is Sandia? From Wikipedia -The Sandia National Laboratories, which are managed and operated by the Sandia Corporation (a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation), are two major United States Department of Energy research and development national laboratories. –

So, it isn’t only Burlington that is on the Lockheed contract it is all of Vermont. One review of Sandia from Oct, 24, 2010 says,

“Upper management is clueless and sometimes works against the technical folks. SNL is a very risk-adverse place to work – management seems to consult lawyers on every HR-type change, to the detriment of the work environment. The benefits are eroding, especially for people who have been at the labs 5-15 years. The 401k plan is better for new employees than older ones. SNL has been losing the loyalty of their junior employees for some time.”

link – http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/Employee-Review-Sandia-RVW693602.htm

Looks like another “top-down” profit managed Corporate “person-ality”. Smart Metering, which is the basis of the Smart Grid according to Wikipedia is:  “usually an electrical meter that records consumption of electric energy in intervals of an hour or less and communicates that information at least daily back to the utility for monitoring and billing purposes.[7] Smart meters enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system.”

Bernie Sanders said the Smart Grid was going to save residents money… If we are going to save money with this new system it means we have been loosing money with the present one. So, all this time with “analogue meters” the utility companies have been profiting illegally?

Vermont energy leaders talk smart grid

 Vermont won $69 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy for its smart grid plan, which the state’s private and public utilities combined forces to match for a total of $138 million in funding.

Elizabeth Miller, commissioner of Vermont’s Department of Public Service, said the big challenge now will be gaining consumer acceptance for the new smart meters that the state’s utilities will be rolling out shortly. “There are some lessons learned elsewhere” she said. “In California and Maine there has been some resistance. We want to avoid that resistance here.”

Why is our already bankrupt government, dolling out the dollars for restructuring Vermont’s energy grid ? When…

From World Hunger: Hunger in America –

17 million households, 14.6 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure in 2008, the highest number ever recorded in the United States. Four million households became food insecure in 2008. There has been a huge increase of food insecurity in the USA since 2008 but these are the latest statistics available.

link – http://www.worldhunger.org/articles/Learn/us_hunger_facts.htm

We are in a looming recession and countless foreign Wars, yet we can afford to “upgrade” all of our infrastructure, when we can’t even afford maintaining the one we have! Something doesn’t fit.

Image above from website:  Virtually Perfect ends in Babylon Dreams 


From VT Digger – Shumlin signs “complete streets” bill

“This law will guarantee that we’re designing roads that work for the future – for older Vermonters, for those who choose to take public transportation, for people who opt to walk to their jobs and errands, and for motorists,” the Governor said.

I am skeptical of any infrastructure changes so I decided to investigate. Complete Streets is another “Feel Good” project that most everyone would agree is a huge improvement, as far as its projected goal is concerned. The cloaking or “greenwash” of Sustainable Development is very clever and effective, so it takes digging to reveal what is behind it.

First I wanted to see if it was inline with the UN’s Agenda 21, as the buzz-words of “Smart” Mobility and “Sustainable” Complete Streets Policy, seem to indicate.

Excerpt from UN Agenda 21 Chapter 7:

Promoting Sustainable Energy and Transport Systems in Human Settlements (a) Integrate land-use and transportation planning to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand (c) Encourage non-motorized modes of transport by providing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate;

So that fits and ICLEI’s web site defines EcoMobility as: mobility without dependency on the private car. Smart Growth and Complete Streets are obviously on the same page as well. It seems like we are being served a “packaged deal” that is a “one-size fits all” approach.

I wrote to Democrats against UN Agenda 21 because I couldn’t find anything that was saying the “Complete Streets” program would directly endanger our human rights or shift town-planning power away from the people, as Agenda 21 does. Rosa Koire, ASA, Executive Director of the Post Sustainability Institute responded with the following letter:

Redevelopment is a tool used to further Agenda 21’s vision of remaking America’s cities. With redevelopment, cities have the right to take property by eminent domain, against the will of the property owner, and give it or sell it to a private developer. By declaring an area of town ‘blighted’ (and in some cities over 90% of the city area has been declared blighted) the property taxes in that area can be diverted away from the General Fund. This constriction of available funds is impoverishing the cities real infrastructure, cutting human services and reducing the standard of living.  They’ll be telling you that its better because its sustainable, clean and pretty! The money from the cut services is deflected to the Redevelopment Agency and handed out to favored developers building low-income housing and mixed use. Smart Growth.

In this Smart Growth model, human habitation, as it is referred to now, is restricted to lands within the “Urban Growth Boundaries” of the city.  Only certain building designs are permitted.  Rural property is more restricted in the ways it can be used.  Although participating counties say that they support agricultural uses, eating locally produced foods, farmer’s markets, etc.  in fact there are so many regulations restricting water and land use (there are scenic corridors, inland rural corridors, baylands corridors, area plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans, huge fees, fines) that farmers are losing their lands altogether. County roads are not being paved. The push is for people to get off of the land,  become more dependent, come into the cities.  These infrastructure changes are to push people off of rural lands, out of the suburbs and into the “Smart Growth” cities so they can loose their civil liberties and become more dependent.

Bikes? What does that have to do with it?  I like to ride my bike and so do you.  So what? Bicycle advocacy groups are very powerful now.  Advocacy,  a fancy word for lobbying, influencing, the public and politicians.  What’s the connection with bike groups?  National groups such as Complete Streets, Thunderhead Alliance, and others, have training programs teaching their members to pressure for “redevelopment” and training select candidates for office.  It’s not just about bike lanes, it’s about remaking cities and rural areas to the ‘sustainable model’.  High density urban development without parking for cars is the goal.

Complete Streets is a national group which is composed of many member groups who lobby for a total redesign of streets to accommodate bicycles.  I have a series of morphing photographs from their website showing a major arterial street in a generic city, which morphs as the photo changes from having no bike lanes to having them.  That isn’t all that changes, though, the buildings are completely replaced on both sides of the street. Where people once had viable businesses, shops, and homes, the new “vision” is ground floor retail, built to the edge of the sidewalk with two floors of condos above and parking behind in an alley, one car per unit or less.  In some areas this design plan is a requirement for development. This is where the ideology of Agenda 21’s social engineering and the actuality of remaking of our cities through land use planning comes together. Smart Growth and Complete Streets are element of Agenda 21.

Thanks to Rosa Koire and www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com for this thorough reply, it still doesn’t satisfy me though. I like to see the documentation, either of the program or from towns that have gone through it, showing that these accusations are indeed what is happening with the “complete Streets” program. The search continues.

My other articles on the issue of “sustainable development” can be found here – https://vermont4evolution.wordpress.com/?s=ICLEI these articles refer to an NGO called ICLEI now known as “Local Governments for Sustainability”. Though ICLEI has pretty much purged their website of United Nations references, their long time partnership is documented here –freedomadvocates 

Envisioning “Smart Growth”

Santa Cruz, CA -- County Supervisor, Ellen Pirie released this sketch depicting the Aptos Village Plan. One can see very dense multi-story housing mixed with commercial development right at the edge of the railroad tracks.

The visioning process includes: “values” research, how to run “facilitated” workshops and how to use “consensus building” to create scenarios for area “change”. When public officials and NGOs (non-government organizations) use the term “visioning” it really means Agenda 21 principles are being implemented…

America’s new look starts with federal and state funded “visioning councils” who impose their plan utilizing compliant politicians, compliant business people and paid representatives from foundation and tax-funded non-profit organizations. The unsuspecting public becomes the recipient of a vision that implements “Smart Growth.”

Smart Growth restricts housing construction to high-density subsidized (cost-shifted) apartments or condominiums. Cities are “filled in” by building vertically and cramming people together. Occupants living in these new developments are often subject to increasing rules and regulations administered by Associations or Housing Trusts. Cluster developments with purposely limited parking…

“Our visioning sets up a framework project for zoning,” says Gordon Garry, Director of Research and Analysis for the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.

Once the framework for zoning is in place, local governments, non-elected regional councils and public/private partnerships, begin to change residential neighborhoods to “mixed uses,” often utilizing processes that work outside constitutional governmental procedures. By transforming the “look’ of the town, planners and politicians are also engineering social changes that will negatively affect the lives and the lifestyles of existing residents.

If your town is working toward a “vision,” it’s best to understand the Smart Growth plan behind the façade.

full article – http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/planning_-_smart_growth/what%27s_behind_%22the_vision%22_in_your_town%3f_20050215125/

Many more articles on “Smart Growth” – http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/planning_-_smart_growth/

Burlington Wake-Up! to ICLEI and the “Kiss” of a Greenwash Agenda

At the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco on June 5 (World Environment Day), 2005, every mayor in attendance signed two documents – the “Green Cities Declaration” and the “Urban Environmental Accords”.

The first is the declaration that the mayors of all the cities of the United States and the world are going to be the implementers of Agenda 21 (The UN’s Agenda for the 21st Century).  The second explains how it will be implemented, closing with the statement “The goal is for cities to pick three actions to adopt each year.”

If the cities achieve the goal of implementing three actions each year from 2005, they will have completed their 21 Actions in the seven years leading up to June 5, 2012, the date of World Environment Day.

(above text from) – www.freedomadvocates.org

Burlington, South Burlington and Brattleboro are members of ICLEI. ICLEI is the main NGO working with state officials tasked with implementing this plan.

The Burlington legacy project,  Smart Growth, Smart Grid, Quick Start and other buzz-word titled “green” projects look and sound great!… but are they a front for a piecemeal style “action plan” to alter our town and state government. Towns and their people around the country are catching on, as you will see.

Here is a story of Vermonters catching-on, from: the Reformer – Brattleboro quits energy program….”One of the key provisions of the program is that it allows participating municipalities to join together to obtain financing. The program’s progress has been stalled for months, both in Vermont and across the country, due in large part to issues with the leading agencies for the project, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”

“chairman Lester Humphreys said the details of the program are “even less clear than they were when Brattleboro joined the Quick Start program” about five months ago”

Freedom Festival II – Guest Speaker Michael Shaw presents how United Nations policy is adversely affecting land use, property rights, environmental policy and education on the local level in the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene area and around the country. (video above)

Excerpts from: John Birch SocietyLocal Governments Reject UN’s Agenda 21              April 21, 2011

Rio Hosted the Birth of Agenda 21
More than 35,000 government officials, diplomats, environmental activists, and journalists journeyed to the UN’s 1992 extravaganza in Brazil. In country after country, achieving the goal contained in Agenda 21 has now proceeded in “piecemeal” fashion.

Piecemeal means: achieving implementation of the overall goal step by step. By using this process of a very slow, dispersed, and steady  incremental implementation, the change is designed to go unnoticed. – VT4Evolution

Piecemeal Implementation of Agenda 21 Through ICLEI
Launched in 1990, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is one of many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) operating in association with the United Nations. Self-described as “an association of over 1,200 local government members who are committed to sustainable development,” ICLEI seeks to swallow up a nation’s independence by having local governments adopt the overall Agenda 21 program in piecemeal fashion. Because independent nations are obviously too large to swallow in a single gulp, ICLEI was created to gain control over local governments one bite at a time.

ICLEI’s website openly admits that its Local Agenda 21 Model Communities Program will “aid local governments in implementing Chapter 28 of Agenda 21, the global action plan for sustainable development.” Former Clinton administration adviser J. Gary Lawrence later worried that there might be some who discover that the ICLEI effort constitutes “an attack on the power of the nation-state.” At a seminar in England, he told a British audience,

The segment of our society who fear “one-world government” and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedoms might be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined [in our effort.] So, we’ll call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management, smart growth.

Americans Awakening to the Threat
Early in 2011, the Board of Commissioners in Carroll County Maryland voted unanimously to abolish the county’s “Office of Sustainability” and withdraw from the ICLEI program. Commissioner Richard Rothstein explained that the cost of the program wasn’t the greatest motivation for the commissioners’ decision. They took their action because of their awareness that ICLEI is “an organization with extreme beliefs on global warming that promotes United Nations big-government socio-economic policies…. In reality, Agenda 21-based sustainability programs seek government control of land, labor and capital….” City, county and community leaders across the nation should take heed.

The city of Edmond, Oklahoma, has also pulled out of ICLEI. In Maine, the state’s Department of Transportation cancelled plans for the “Gateway Project,” a plan to create unnecessary linkages among 20 communities. Some opponents of the Maine project expressed their belief that the idea stemmed from the overall Agenda 21 planning.

While some Americans now realize that Agenda 21 and its numerous stepchildren pose a danger to their communities and their nation, many more must be made aware. Far more than considerations about the cost and control associated with involvement, the more important overall threat posed byAgenda 21 is loss of independence at the community, county, state, and national levels.

full article – http://www.jbs.org/component/content/article/1009-commentary/6717-local-governments-starting-to-reject-uns-agenda-21

With global climate change and the ever declining economy, now is a good time for laying the foundation stones of such an infrastructure.

For a more in-depth analysis and other stories of towns kicking ICLEI out   “Thinking Local to Be Global-ized??”

Related posts – https://vermont4evolution.wordpress.com/?s=agenda+21

Freedom Advocates site full of  incredible amounts of resources to understanding this issue  http://www.freedomadvocates.org/articles/illegitimate_government/iclei_p…