Occupy Vermont – We are the 99%

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is picking up in Vermont. Here is a Video from Channel 5: Burlington

Occupy Vermont using the “People’s Microphone”!

10/3/11 – Burlington, VT. Two hundred concerned Vermont citizens spoke out in support of the two week long Occupy Wall Street protest today.

Burlington isn’t the only Occupation happening in Vermont. According to Twitter, Brattleboro seems to be next on the scene  to rally some Vermont Solidarity.  Stay Tuned. Occupy Wall Street Live feed –http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution

Occupy Vermont – http://www.occupytogether.org/events/northeast/vermont/occupy-vermont/

One of Vermont’s solutions – Corporate Personhood Resolution J.R.S. 11.

Occupy Houston put together a list of  “Do’s and Dont’s for Protesting


Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution ( Occupy Wall Street )

New York City Occupy Wall Street Movement – Sep 23, 2011

1,000 + people marched through nyc and many were arrested. the crowd at the park grows each day. if you have not heard from your friends lately … maybe they’re there.


We want to share insights into the formation of a new social movement as it is still taking shape in real time.
The video was shot during the 5th and 6th day of the occupation.
This idea to occupy the financial district in New York City was inspired by recent uprisings in Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Tunisia
which most of us were following online.
Despite of the corporate media’s effort to silence the protests, and Yahoo’s attempt to to censor it in e-mail communication,
the occupation is growing in numbers and spreading to other cities in the US and abroad.


Who should be steering the course on our expedition into a better Future?


What do NGO’s, Think tanks, and Lobbyists all have in common? Legislation… creating “law” and getting it passed by government officials they “sponsor”. This wouldn’t be a problem if these groups were working for the best interest of society and humanity as a whole, unfortunately there isn’t a maximum “profit” to be gained in that arena. Yes, they work for “special” Corporate interest who work for increasing their value for their stake-holders at almost any cost.

In turn this means that Multi-national Mega-Corporations are persuading our elected representatives on multiple fronts using money as their “1st amendment Free Speech right” to get it enacted as “law”. Their goal is to decrease regulation of their own industry, create regulation of their smaller counterparts, creates tax loopholes and any other  benefit conceivable for them to reap the maximum profit, even if it means destroying the Earth and making the populace sick and poor. This is the Global Trend of the “Free Market” and “Democratic Capitalism”.

The people have had enough around the World and are rising up in the name of “We The People” standing against Government corruption, meaning Corporate Collusion with Government.  These uprisings from the G8 and the G20 to the recently implemented Austerity Measures are increasingly advocating a Non-Violent method of protest. The people are learning that rioting brings no change except the loss of Civil Rights and expanded Government control. In many of the videos from around the world you can see the non-violent protest being met with batons swinging, riot gear, tear gas, rubber bullets and even sonic weapons. It is disheartening to see the blind submission of these police and “security” agents to the will of protecting corporate interests, yet, it is inspiring to see people’s strong resolve to remain non-violent in the face of extreme brutality. 

This September 17th many of these Global Activists are uniting their efforts to occupy all the major economic centers around the Globe, in a stance of Civil Disobedience resolving to remove the parasitic grasp corporations have on our governments. https://occupywallst.org/

These activists are calling for the occupation on September 17th of Wall Street and any other major financial centers to mirror the Tahrir Square occupation in Egypt and the Plaza de Sol occupation in Madrid, meaning it will be; Non-Violent, Organized, Egalitarian, Consensus, Respectful and Creative.

We can have a balanced, progressive, abundant world and a healthy Earth, it is a matter of steering. Who should be steering the course on our expedition into a better Future? 

Blessings and Peace to the Activists who are sacrificing life an limb for the future of humanity, may the conscience of those called to beat them down awaken so they may fulfill their oath and protect the people’s 1st Amendment rights.

Cobb’s constitutional amendment to strip corporations of personhood

by Carl Etnier on January 19, 2011 On VTdigger (full article)

David Cobb was on a three-day tour of Vermont this week to pitch a constitutional amendment that would strip corporations of personhood rights. Sen. Ginnie Lyons has proposed a resolution urging Congress to amend the Constitution to change the rights of corporations.

Listen to an audio clip of Cobb speaks and Lyons speaking at the Statehouse Jan. 18, 2011l

Draft of the proposed resolution from Sen. Lyons: